About TropicalPlate

TropicalPlate is a go-to resource to find recipes for delicious food. Founded in 2024, we’re committed to showing you how to experience Caribbean food in your kitchen wherever you are. 

Who is behind TropicalPlate?

Bordes Sednick

CEO and Content Writer

He loves cooking and shares what he’s learned about different food and drinks over the years.

Abigaile Bordes

Food Photographer and Content Writer

She helps you easily follow the recipes with her detailed photos. 

Elmise Chardavoine

Food Photographer and Content Writer

She loves trying recipes and creating new ones. Her photo can help you with the steps to follow a recipe.

Chardavoine Pierre Eustache

Content Manager and Developer

He has been an internet marketer since 2013 who builds WordPress websites and optimizes them to reach a wider audience using SEO and social media marketing.

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